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Many Thanks, Mark Olson Founder of MRM

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Untouched nature mesmerizes me how it lives in harmony within itself; plants, animals and microorganisms, all intertwined in a sometimes chaotic yet cyclical unity. This perspective shaped my childhood and evolved into a quest for knowledge of ethnobotany (study of the relationships between peoples and plants). I'm humbled that this exploration allowed me to build a line of natural health products.

© 2016 MRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g). All Rights Reserved. Designed by Demo Images: Pexels

文和路十全藥燉排骨 中山店美式摒擋外送
長興街食在地台灣素食堂 錦州店壽司外送外送
sponsor: 床的世界. 除臭襪有用嗎. 借錢.

Sacha Inchi may be used as a nutritious addition to protein or fruit smoothies as it is a delicious addition to any food where a clean, smooth, nutty protein boost is desired. With a pleasing nutty flavor, it may be added to hot and cold cereals, desserts and baked goods, and savory dishes from starters to main courses.

Sacha Inchi is a great plant source of protein providing the crucial amino acids that our bodies need for numerous functions. These amino acids are the building blocks of healthy lean muscle. With adequate protein intake, our bodies are able to properly replicate our precious DNA and provide the needed energy to take on the day.

Obtaining sufficient fiber in one’s diet is important as it can support digestive functions. In combination with protein and fiber, this offers a useful satiety effect when maintaining a balanced diet.


即速采辦 DHL 5天快遞到台灣

Found in the rainforests of the Amazon in Peru, Sacha Inchi offers a star-shaped seedpod which yields nutty delicious seeds. Being a high yield forest crop it encourages reforestation providing sustainable agriculture for Amazonian farming communities. The tasty seed can be roasted and eaten whole or cold pressed and then gently dehydrated to provide a clean, minimally processed, and highly nutritious powder. This raw, organic powder is 60% protein by weight containing all the essential amino acids making it a complete protein source.

What is Sacha Inchi?
Name: Sacha Inchi, Plukenetia volubilis, aka "Inca Peanut"
Country of Origin: Peru
Climate: Amazon Rainforest, Tropics
Plant Part Used: Seeds
Nutrients: Complete Protein, Beneficial Fats, Fiber
Ethnobotany: Nutrient dense whole food complex Indigenous people cultivated the plant and cooked/toasted its seeds.
  • Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, Vegan & Gluten-free
  • Provides Complete Protein and Fiber
  • Source of Omega Fatty Acids 3, 6 & 9
  • Contains Antioxidants, Magnesium, Potassium, & Calcium
  • Add for Unique Nutty Flavor
 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)折價券, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)哪裡買, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)哪裡有, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)新光三越, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)大遠百, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)板橋遠百, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)麗寶百貨, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)家樂福, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)大潤發, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)全聯, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)宅配, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)台中大遠百, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)新竹巨城, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)台茂, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)宜蘭, 保健品SuperfoodsMRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)忠孝東路 

Sacha Inchi contains of natural range of beneficial fatty acids as a combination of omega 3, 6 and 9. It also offers antioxidant protection with a range of health promoting phytonutrients. There are important macrominerals present in this nutritious powder such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. This highly digestible powder also provides valuable fiber content.

Growing abundantly in the Peruvian Amazon, this plant has a long valued history as pre-Inca civilizations revered and immortalized it on ceramic vessels found in ancient tombs. The indigenous Amazonian people have cultivated the Sacha Inchi seeds for its known nutritional benefits as they would roast, mill, or press the seeds into oil.

With the beneficial fatty acids of omega 3, 6 and 9, there are numerous benefits from these healthy fats. Omega-3 fatty acids have been known to help in cardiovascular support as they promote heart health.

Antioxidants address the free radicals in the body which can be quite damaging as they can disrupt the structure and stability of many crucial factors.


At MRM, we are inspired by nature and utilize science as a tool to learn, incorporate, support and educate what the natural world has to offer.

  • EcoFriendly Packaging
  • Superfoods by MRM
  • Raw
  • USDA Organic
  • Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Certified Vegan
  • Gluten Free
  • Inca's Peruvian "Super" Seed
  • Inspired by Nature
  • Est. 1996
  • Supported by Science
  • Certified Organic by EcoCert ICO

What is Organic Sacha Inchi Powder?

MRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)

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若您第一次購置MRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g),建議可先旁觀以下購物講授,便可領會購物體例,別的推薦使用匯豐信譽卡刷卡付款,享有2.22%購物回饋,同等享有市價3折優惠外再打98折以上優惠,立即申辦享有優惠!


Respectfully, these Superfoods are the foods our ancestors thrived on, not today's foods we survive on.

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前陣子在網路購物時看到MRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)的商品,發現品質還不錯,良多口碑文章保舉,但保健品Superfoods:MRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)哪裡買比較划算呢?MRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)在PTT上面說下面這個網站便宜又快速,所以我都到這個網站購買MRM, Organic Sacha Inchi Powder, 8、5 oz (240 g)了!

Macrominerals, such calcium, magnesium and potassium, are important electrolytes which our bodies need large amounts of. These minerals offer support to maintain our structural systems such as muscle and bone health.

來自: 成功東路全素 Vegan外送門坎
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