保健品乳清蛋白-Mt. Capra, 豌豆配乳清蛋白粉,純天然香草味,1 lb (453 g)
或許大家都聽過Mt. Capra, 豌豆配乳清蛋白粉,純天然香草味,1 lb (453 g),但印象中Mt. Capra, 豌豆配乳清蛋白粉,純天然香草味,1 lb (453 g)平時是不打折的,但是今天告訴你買Mt. Capra, 豌豆配乳清蛋白粉,純天然香草味,1 lb (453 g)到這裡買,可以使用折價券買Mt. Capra, 豌豆配乳清蛋白粉,純天然香草味,1 lb (453 g),而且宅配到府完全不用搬Mt. Capra, 豌豆配乳清蛋白粉,純天然香草味,1 lb (453 g),真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!
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- Pea Protein & Goat Whey Blend
- Since 1928
- Contains All Essential Amino Acids
- Non-GMO
- Gluten Free 髮旺旺
- No Chemicals or Preservatives Added
Peas and Whey髮旺旺
brings you the best of both plant and animal protein. It contains the complete spectrum of amino acids found in both non-GMO pea protein and wholesome goat whey protein, including all essential amino acids as well as branch chain amino acids. Just one delicious serving of Peas and Whey contains over 50% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein.
床的世界Mt. Capra, 豌豆配乳清蛋白粉,純天然香草味,1 lb (453 g)