健康主題感冒,流感及病毒免疫配方-Life Extension, Standardized Cistanche, 30 Veggie Caps
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Standardized髮旺旺 Cistanche provides powerful support against immune senescence.
Scientists have discovered that the echinacoside compound found in Cistanche plant extract stimulates the development of naive T cells and leads to a lower amount of memory T cells, thereby creating a more balanced immune response. Cistanche also increases natural killer (NK) cell activity—resulting in a 15% life span increase in animal research.
A 12-week human study of a dietary supplement containing standardized Cistanche resulted in impressive gains in immune factors after supplementation. Subjects had significant improvements, including an 11.7% increase in natural killer (NK) cell activity and a 20.2% improvement in the ratio of CD4 to CD8 cells. An increased CD4/CD8 ratio is indicative of healthy, youthful immune function.
For those seeking the effects of Cistanche only,床的世界 Life Extension has created a standalone Standardized Cistanche that contains the same echinacosides as in the Immune Senescence Protection Formula.
Life Extension, Standardized Cistanche, 30 Veggie Caps
