保健品槲皮素槲皮素配方-Eclectic Institute, 槲皮素類黃酮複合物,全食品粉末,3.2盎司(90克)
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如果你還在考慮Eclectic Institute, 槲皮素類黃酮複合物,全食品粉末,3.2盎司(90克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Natural Source of Quercetin
- Since 1982
- Fresh Freeze-Dried床的世界
- USDA Organic
- Dietary Supplement 髮旺旺
- Concentrated 6 1/2 X through Freeze-Drying
- Non GMO
- Vegan
- Grain/Soy/Dairy-Free
- No Added Sugar
- No Fillers
- US Grown
(Plant Originated Wellness)
Simply whole, fresh freeze-dried plants.
We Start and End with Whole Herbs - From farm to bottle, we use naturopathic wisdom and innovative processes to create exceptional products. We organically grow or sustainably wild床的世界craft herbs that are harvested at peak potency, and then freeze-dried in-house. Freeze-drying naturally concentrates by removing only the water, leaving the plants nutrients in the same balance as found in nature.
Whole Food Nutrition - Micronized for easy assimilation, and containing all the natural goodness of the who床的世界le plant. No washing, no chopping, no cleaning required - just add to water, juice, or food.
Eclectic Institute, 槲皮素類黃酮複合物,全食品粉末,3.2盎司(90克)
